Airlines pay special attention to special passengers such as: unaccompanied minors, persons with reduced mobility (PRM) or persons in conditions that require special care.
If any of the above situations arise, it is necessary that you inform the company about the passenger’s situation at the time of booking and purchasing your ticket. .
Air travel and health
Modern jet-powered aircraft travel at altitudes of up to 11,000 meters, with outside temperatures that can reach minus sixty degrees Celsius and low oxygen content in the outside atmosphere. This makes it necessary to adopt artificial conditions inside the aircraft, consisting of a barometric pressure lower than at sea level, low air humidity and air recirculation. And to these conditions must be added the reduced mobility of passengers during the flight.
The majority of passengers, those who are healthy and a very significant percentage of those who are ill, may not have any inconvenience in making a trip in the above conditions, and even with less risk than in everyday life. However, there are certain situations in which prior consultation with the family doctor or specialist is highly recommended, as in the cases indicated, in a non-exhaustive manner:
- If you have had a recent surgical operation, especially eye, abdominal or lung surgery.
- If you travel with your legs in a cast.
- If you have had a heart attack, angina pectoris or have circulatory problems.
- If you have lung disease or respiratory insufficiency.
- If you have chronic sinusitis, middle ear infections or otitis.
- If you have nasal congestion due to infections or respiratory allergy.
For trips lasting more than three hours, airlines usually recommend certain food and beverage guidelines, as well as some physical exercise during the flight to help increase the passenger’s well-being and reduce the inconvenience of prolonged immobility. Follow the airlines’ advice carefully.
Sick passengers
If the airline approves the travel of a sick passenger, the passenger may be transported on the aircraft on a stretcher or more than one seat may be provided for isolation, after consultation with the airline regarding the conditions of travel and fares applicable to the case in question. If the boarding and transportation of the passenger will be carried out on a stretcher, he/she must have a companion. The company’s Medical Service is in charge of studying the situation of a sick passenger to define whether he/she can board the aircraft or not.
Pregnant women
When the gestation period exceeds 36 weeks, the airlines recommend not to fly. In the event that the pregnant passenger chooses to make the trip, it will be necessary for the passenger to sign a Release of Liability with the contracted company in case of any situation that may arise due to her pregnancy.
Children under twelve years of age
They must travel accompanied by an adult. In case this is not possible, consult the airline company you hire to find out if they have the Unaccompanied Minor Service, which consists in the care of the minor by a member of the crew, upon payment to the company for such service.