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Does Hinge Update Your Location When You Travel?

While it’s great that Google’s new update allows you to check in at select locations, the update doesn’t exactly work like Google Maps expects. Let’s explore the changes and the possible fixes so you can get the most out of the new feature.

The Changes

As mentioned by Google, the biggest change is that your location will no longer update when you travel between regions. That is, if you’re in Chicago and you head to New York, your location will still say ‘Chicago’.

Additionally, hotels and other places of lodging will now appear on your map as ‘bundled’ locations. For example, if you check into a hotel in New York City, your location will be displayed as being in New York City.

These are both rather jarring changes. First off, why would your location not update when you travel between regions? It makes sense that it would, as you’re essentially moving around within the region. However, the inability to update your location when you switch between regions is rather annoying when you’re trying to navigate the city. For example, if you’re in Logan Square and you want to find out how to get to Roosevelt University, you’re out of luck because your location won’t update when you leave the neighborhood.

The Possible Fixes

While there are no definite fixes to this yet, you can try a few things to make the most out of the new feature. First off, you can download the Google Maps mobile app and get location updates even when you switch between regions. Second, you can turn on ‘my location’ in your Google account so that your current location is always displayed. You can also try to limit how much time the app waits until your location updates properly. For example, if you have a 4G mobile Internet connection, you can force the app to update your location more quickly than usual.

As for why your location wouldn’t update when you travel between regions, Google has offered the following statement:

“We’ve learned that there are a few situations where this doesn’t work as expected, so we’re working on a fix. For example, if you do a search for restaurants in San Francisco while traveling in Los Angeles, your phone will show the restaurants in San Francisco even though you’re in Los Angeles. Similarly, if you check into a hotel in New York City while traveling in Boston, your phone will show the hotel in New York City even though you’re in Boston. As soon as we have a fix, we’ll let you know.”

The Biggest Question

Even though there are lots of positive things that Google Maps has been able to accomplish with the new update, the biggest question is: will this affect your travel plans?

If you use the new feature frequently, you might start to see a lot of issues with it. For example, if you stay at a hotel in one city and visit another, your location might still default to the previous stop. Additionally, if you use the app while traveling, your location might not update properly when you switch between regions. For these reasons, you might end up not using the feature unless you have to.

On the other hand, if you use the feature rarely, then you might not notice any issues beyond what Google has already fixed. For example, if you’re only searching for restaurants in San Francisco while traveling in Los Angeles, your location will update properly and the results will show restaurants in San Francisco even though you’re in Los Angeles. Similarly, if you check into a hotel in Cleveland while traveling in Salt Lake City, your location will update properly and the results will show the hotel in Cleveland.

Ultimately, it depends on how much you rely on the feature. If you try it out and don’t have any major issues, then it’s probably not worth switching off. However, if you frequently have problems, then it might be time to try something different.

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